Description :-
Format : Paperback
ISBN-13 : 9780007963034
The Parent Agency
Barry said, a third time, I wish I had better parents! And then suddenly the entire room started to shake Barry Bennett hates being called Barry. In fact its number 2 on the list of things he blames his parents for, along with 1) being boring and 3) always being tired.But there is a world.
The Person Controller
Fred and Ellie are twins. But not identical (because that's impossible for a boy and a girl). They do like all the same things, though. Especially video games. Which they are very good at. They aren't that good, however, at much else like, for example, football, or dealing with the school bullies.
Malcolm doesnt like animals. Which is a problem because his family love them. Their house is full of pets. What the house is NOT full of is stuff Malcolm likes. Such as the laptop he wanted for his birthday.